
Maithu developed this app for Xtravision working with Digital Reach and Nokia. Xtra-vision, one of Ireland ’s leading entertainment companies brings you up to date information on the top DVD and Blu-ray new releases in the Irish market alongside breaking news from the entertainment world in one easy to navigate place. You can search to find information and trailers; not only new releases but on an extensive back catalogue of movies & across all genres. Go to www.ovi.com to download the app now.

The Irish Times City Breaks Molloys Logo Irish times Logo Get the focal logo
BHT Logo Planet21 Logo Musgraves Logo Flemings Logo
Melting Pot Logo Shannon Bridge Logo Uisce Logo ESB Logo
Coke Logo Sunday Tribune Logo Enjoy Irish Logo Xtravision Logo
gaelfon Logo Gareth Mcormack Logo
People we
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